GGgadsby 2 years ago
Hello everyone
I'm Garry and have just signed up for the full year subscription and now wonder how to choose between Jonathan or Jon as a Teacher?
I am an older beginner (60 in a couple of months) but in good physical condition and can play the didgeridoo and circular breathe and do Tai Chi. I am keen to develop good fundamentals for breathing and developing my voice, but have absolutely no prior experience in doing this😃. -
CCamille van Niekerk 2 years ago
Hi Garry, I'd watch a few lessons from both instructors to see whose personality and instruction style you prefer. Jonathan gives more vocal technique, while Jon gives more music theory/scale awareness.
GGgadsby 2 years ago
Thanks so much Camille,
That's good feedback and will check out both as suggested. I get the feeling in the beginning for me it might be good to go with vocal technique, which I'm assuming is about developing a sound and exercising the vocal chords and breathing technique? Would be good to hear what you think?
CCamille van Niekerk 2 years ago
Yes, I think that's a good plan! If you are unsure about your ability to match pitch and sing in tune, you can also do this lesson series first:
SShiniacox3 2 years ago
MMarcus2002 2 years ago
Hi Camille
Should I as a 20 year old boy, choose either Jonathon or Jon, or can I choose to watch your lessons? I do not know if your vocal range and singing style will affect the way I am going to sing later on, compared to the two others?
Thank you for creating this awesome and helpful website!
CCamille van Niekerk 1 year ago
I encourage you to check out each instructor and choose the one you like best! If you follow mine, just use the tenor or bass exercises (downloadable for each lesson) - whichever is an easier fit for you!