Where to start?
Posted by Mjschoo22 1 day agoIntroduction ForumI am an accomplished guitarist having played professionally with a few different bands along with limited singing. I can read and understand music and music theory. Can play vocal melodies on an instr...
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Lesson usage
Posted by Akw1978 1 day agoLesson Q&AJust a technical question about lesson usage: are there videos with the courses and I just can't see them (via android smartphone), or is there only text and audio files? I sure hope there's more I fo...
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Posted by Pyiminhtike2005 4 days agoSinging BasicsI am a very new beginner and I choose begineer course from low voice one. The male instructor mention to sing 1-3-5-3-1 while playing his piano and/or 1 to 8 but what are those and how could I know ...
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What to practice after the 30 lessons?
Posted by Ananda.valayden 4 days agoIntroduction ForumI have been through the 30 lessons with Camille. These lessons were very interesting, but I cannot see how I can improve my voice just with those lessons which last about 5 to 8 minutes each. The le...
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Body and Range
Posted by Mattlee 6 days agoSinging BasicsHi, The more I go through the lessons, I prefer to sing lower than baritone. It feels more comfortable and relaxed. I was listening to my body like Jonathan said, and I think he's a baritone and I'm a...
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Transposing vs Changing pitch on Chrome extension
Posted by Seann 2 weeks agoSinging BasicsHi Just checking the chrome extension thingee - is there a way of knowing the key I'm on? When I transpose down its -1 and up is presumably 1+ etc - which key is '0'? I find I need to go lowe...
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Vocal clutter
Posted by Neil UK 1 month agoOpen DiscussionI will be going into a studio for the first time in my life later this week to begin recording 10 tracks. I have one question. It might be answered somewhere on the site already, although I cannot fin...
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Singing a full song
Posted by Alexandra Carly 4 weeks agoIntroduction ForumIs there an option to practice singing an actual song?
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I have a bad voice and it isn't just about the tone
Posted by Félix Doré 1 month agoTechnique and StyleI've looked on internet to fix a "bad sounding voice" My tone is correct, my belting too, I am hitting the right pitch. But my voice sounds weird, air-ish and not fitable within any music, wo...
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App to learn to sing in key
Posted by Zulia 1 month agoTechnique and StyleHi Everyone, just wanted to check if there is any app to check if we are singing in key? As a beginner , I have a hard time matching pitches/keys and looking for resources to practice on that.