Have not heard back for Feedback Session
Posted by Robert.dudley 9 months agoLesson Q&AHi, I've sent a video of myself singing for personalized feedback per Full Access Membership. How will I hear back, and how can I check you got it? It's been about a week. Best wishes, Robert
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Haven’t heard back from support
Posted by Robert.dudley 9 months agoOpen DiscussionI sent support an email a couple weeks back, and I haven'theard back yet. I did, however, get an email from Ben the CEO, so I don't think my email is blocking 30daysinger. Could you please let me know...
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Change my plan?
Posted by Juliette Steirer 9 months agoOpen DiscussionHello, I cannot find how to chang my subscription plan. How do I change my plan from monthly to annual? Thanks, Xerxes
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Karaoke singing (Live) Tips
Posted by Bo V 9 months agoTechnique and StyleI have been singing with the choir for many years. I actually have a wide range, but I sing w altos even though apps says that I am Mezzo and Sopranos. I've been to karaoke for sometime now, but ...
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Feedback for video submission
Posted by Ranjani Ramanathan 9 months agoOpen DiscussionHello team. I have submitted a singing video a couple weeks ago (April 5 or 6). In approximately how many weeks am I expected to get the feedback after submission? Thank you for your help.
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Feedback question
Posted by Jacob.morse99 9 months agoOpen DiscussionHey guys I know other people have asked this question already but about how long does the feedback take usually? I did the submission a couple weeks ago and I just want to make sure I did not delete t...
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Posted by Renierbarrameda 10 months agoSinging Basicshi guys i have done the whole beginner courses 1 and two I want to keep improving anyone know where I should go next?
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Posted by Ethanknightt 10 months agoSinging BasicsI am trying to get louder and be able to sing with power but not excatly belting but adding power to my singing so it has more ups in downs
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How can I sing high notes in the morning?
Posted by Rini Bollarapu 10 months agoSinging BasicsI'm a soprano singer in my worship team and I practice all week for Sunday morning and it goes great. However, I have difficulty hitting the high notes in the earlier part of the day and all of my pra...
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vowel mod
Posted by Waynehales 10 months agoTechnique and StyleI am a baritone and I want to sing "burn " on F#4 on the song "Burn for You" and I want to know what vowel mod I should work on to get a nice sounding tone on that pitch.Thankyou Wayne.