Chest Register

Posted in Category Lesson Q&A
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    Ahusnayn721 2 years ago

    Hi Camille I have some questions

    Question about chest register, you know how you said that an indication you are in your chest register if you place a hand on your chest and feel for vibrations, so is it still considered chest register if you still feel vibration not as prominant as when you are talking, sort of a faint near your collar bones? if not then what is that register.


    how tell diffrence between falsetto or head voice i tried hearing to tell a diffrence but that doesn't work


    plus what if i can't do most of exercises you give like i can't go as low or as high that the exercise or i cant control the pattern like 1-5-1 or 1-5-8-1 or other exercise pattern 


    I am trying to figure out where my registers starts and end like highest i can sing in head voice not using falsetto and where chest ends and mixed starts and where mixed ends and head starts like can you give way to indicate that.

    plus i wanna set a goal for streching my range for all my registers so can you tell me:

    the highest note a tenor can sing using chest voice  

    the highest note a tenor can sing using mixed voice

    the  lowest note a tenor can sing using mixed voice 

    the lowest note a tenor can sing using head voice


    i get this sore throat feeling when i go higher than C#5/D5 and a weird hoarse kind of feeling when i go lower than C#3/D3 

    and also i feel something rises / go up in my throat every time i go high and it drop/ go down when ever i go low, why is that


    and is there any way other I can send you my voice recording i have questions about like not songs just notes aand other stuff recording other then the online class,


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    Camille van Niekerk 2 years ago

    I'll answer one question at a time! For feedback on your singing, I recommend booking a lesson with Abram. I can offer feedback during private lessons or feedback group lessons for full-access members. 

    If you're feeling fainter vibration, you may be mixing!

    The difference between falsetto and head voice is just the level of cord compression. Head voice is stronger, falsetto is more airy. 

    With exercises: please modify as needed and if you're feeling pain, stop!

    The "something" rising and falling is your larynx! Here's a good lesson on controlling your larynx:

    In general, 

    the highest note a tenor can sing using chest voice: something between D4 and F4 

    the highest note a tenor can sing using mixed voice: really depends on the tenor, could be C5 or even higher

    the  lowest note a tenor can sing using mixed voice: typically your mix range starts arounf Eb4

    the lowest note a tenor can sing using head voice: typically around F4 but you don't often use head voice lower than G4 or A4

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    Ahusnayn721 2 years ago

    Thank you for the reply and also what if only your throat is vibrating little to no vibration in your chest.

    I also sometimes feel vibration in my cheeks and temple.


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    Camille van Niekerk 2 years ago

    You may be in mix or head voice! It's normal to feel vibration from your chest (or even stomach) all the way up to your head, depending on the pitch. 

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