A request from Iran

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • P
    Pariya2000kias 1 year ago

    I know that you have worked hard for your fantastic site, but I want to ask that if it is possible I use the site for free? Because I live in Iran and because of sanctions, I can't buy anything from sites outside of Iran, and it's too expensive for us because of the very low value of Iran's currency. For example as a collegian, my monthly budget is one hundred dollars. But as a girl I'm really interested in singing. Google says every 42000 Iranian rials is one US dollar, but now it has reached 50000. I know it is not a right request 🥺and accept my apology in advance, but I would be very happy if it will happen.🌹

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 1 year ago

    Hi, Pariya! We have a new free page for you: https://www.30daysinger.com/free-singing-lessons. All of our YouTube lessons are also free, and we hope you find them helpful in your singing journey!

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