
Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • G
    Grandlakestream 1 year ago

    Hi Camille! I did a gig last Sat. night using my new singing skills learned over the last 6 months. Evidently, I overdid it, as I've had some mild hoarseness in the chest range ever since that gig. Which exercises would be best to work through this? What drinks or therapy? Thanks to you and what I've learned, I can proudly report that the gig went over, bigtime! ...Randy

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 1 year ago

    So glad it went well, Randy! That's great to hear. 

    The best thing for hoarseness is vocal rest and hydration, first and foremost. Once you're ready to vocalize again, start with gentle, semi-closed exercises (straw singing, for example) to help take down swelling and line up your vocal folds well. Ease back into your normal routine as you feel able to, but there's no benefit to rushing!


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