How to sing at the right time on a karaoke

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  • A
    Abdul Mateen Mohammed 2 years ago

    Hi Camille,

    How can I improve myself to sing at the proper time while using a karaoke as a backing track.
    I keep messing up, any tips for this, once I fix the timing I can focus on improving my notes and singing with emotion.


  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 2 years ago

    Great question! You'll want to become more aware of the instrumental within the original track. Count the number of beats before you come in, for example, and listen for cues (like a guitar riff or specific drum pattern) that correlate with the vocal line and can help you find your place. 

    Here's a live lesson on beat & rhythm you might find helpful:

    Also, consider learning songs with sheet music so you can visualize the "rests" (moments of silence). 

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