Singing high note using chest voice

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    Carmel 3 years ago

    Im really feeling bad.......cuzzz im trying soo hard to sing high notes using chest voice well yeah upto some level i can sing high notes but i sound like thares something stuck in my throat....well i tried to engage my lower body but i cant........can you tell me which part im doing wrong...

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    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Hi, Carmel! That "stuck in the throat" feeling could be your larynx rising too much (in which case singing on a dopey MUHM or BUHB could help), or it could be your tongue tensing and retracting (here's a video on correcting that). 

    The overall issue, though, is that we tend to either shout or "flip" into head voice when we're singing very high in chest voice. Around D4/Eb4 (for tenors and basses) and G4/Ab4 (for sopranos and altos), we need to transition to a mix rather than full-on chest voice. This will allow us to carry some chest function up higher than we could safely do in full chest voice. Mixed registration is how most singers “belt” high, powerful notes without shouting or cracking. 

    In that middle range where you're starting to feel strained, try using a tall + narrow mouth position (OH or UH shape, rather than a wide HEY or YEAH shape) to encourage more mix (head resonance along with chest). This will relieve some pressure and help you avoid the unstable "shouty" pulled-chest voice sound.

    Here's a video with a singer using that kind of "tall and narrow" vowel modification: Listen carefully to the tone after he modifies the vowel. It goes from shouty chest voice to a strong but more balanced "mix". 

    Here's an article on the kind of vowel substitution he used as well:

    And here's more instruction from us on mixed voice:

    Article on mix -

    3 favorite mix exercises (save this video!) -

    Live lesson on mix -


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    Carmel 3 years ago

    Thankyou for the instructions.

    Is there anyway for me to send a recording of me singing a then you could give me your feedback..


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    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    You're welcome, Carmel! The only way to receive feedback at this time is during a private lesson:

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