Dopo i 30 giorni...

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • A
    Alessandro 4 years ago

    Finiti i 30 giorni potrĂ² ancora accedere ai corsi per visualizzarli di nuovo o con i 30 giorni finisce anche l'abbonamento?

  • B
    Billy 4 years ago

    Hi Alessandro,

    I'm sorry I do not speak Italian, but using Google translate, I was able to understand your question! This is what I believe you asked: 

    "After the 30 days, will I still be able to access the courses to view them again or will the subscription end with the 30 days?"

    The answer is that you can use the course for more than 30 days, as long as you keep your subscription active. So you can practice and revisit lessons as much as you want. 

  • A
    Alessandro 4 years ago

    Perfect, thank you so much!

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