I feel like always breathing to much

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • A
    Aaron Zhu 3 years ago

    when I breath since I'm trying not to lose much air I try to do what Camille said about when singing think about it like a continuation of an inhale so I do that now and I don't run out of air but now it is the opposite any tips!?

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Sounds like you may be "overbreathing". Try taking in less air when you inhale, now that you have better breath support and are using that air more efficiently. 

  • J
    John quick 3 years ago

    also try going quiter that helped. Stay connected but not so loud. I had a bad hbit of this. BUild your strong voice. DOnt need to kill it in the first 3o secs. 

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