Is it possible that I don't know how to sing with chest voice?

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • G
    Gianina Vergara 3 years ago

    Hello Camille, I would really appreciate if you could help me clarifying what's going on with my voice. I've sung my whole life (for myself, in little choirs, etc), I also play piano and other instruments, so I'm quite into music, but I've always struggled with my voice when singing, I think it is all about my breath. I feel comfortable singing high notes, but I talk in low notes. Now, when it comes to singing low notes, I'm afraid I'm still using my head voice (or falsetto? don't know exactly which one of those is) and it sounds very very weak and airy. Sometimes I try to "change" the way of singing those low notes in order to make it sound stronger and it works, but then I feel I was only using my throat for making this sound. 

    I've tried to improve this sound with your lessons (which are great!), but can't find yet the proper breath. I've noticed I have a better control of air when my belly stays contracted rather out, but as far as I know it should be the opposite?. 

    I would be really happy if you give me some advice. Thank you so much for the lessons!!


  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Hi, Gianina!

    Here's a video on finding your natural voice (which covers finding your singing voice from your speaking voice):

    And here's a video on breath, the abdomen and the pelvic floor: Lungs expand, diaphragm drops (and contracts) with the pelvic floor below it. Our goal is to keep the diaphragm low for longer (by engaging our abs and pelvic floor in that gentle "down and out" motion) so our lungs don't expel all our air quickly and we can sing with properly supported, compressed air without relying entirely on the vocal folds to hold back the air pressure we've built up. 

    As for the belly, you don't technically want to contract your belly inwards - but it may naturally happen, and it's not the end of the world. Your chest and ribs staying lifted is more important!

  • G
    Gianina Vergara 3 years ago

    Dear Camile, thank you so much for your reply and suggestions. I'll start now using those videos too! 

    Thank you SO much!!!!!

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    My pleasure, Gianina! In addition to our channel, check out our blog if you haven't yet:

  • G
    Gianina Vergara 3 years ago

    Wow, that looks great, I didn't know about it! thank you again <3 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    My pleasure!

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