Limited range

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • M
    Mary Galbraith 4 years ago

    Hi I am about halfway through the beginners 30 days, as a newbie I have a VERY limited range and am VERY out of tune when undertaking the warmups etc. My voice is sooooo bad I feel for my neighbours! I’m actually quite embarrassed when singing out loud so I think this may also be impacting on my vocal range. My question is how to progress with the exercises when they are obviously out of my range- do I keep on with them as part of the practice and hope I improve or should I only do the parts of them within my own limited range. Hope that makes sense, first post so thank you to all that reply x Mary x

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Hi, Mary! I applaud you for sticking with it in spite of the difficulty at times!

    You can always drop out if an exercise gets too high or low to be sung comfortably. But before dropping out, try three things:

    1. Modify the exercise to make it easier (ie: sing on a lip trill, hum or NN/NG instead of an open vowel or other syllable, if that's more doable). 

    2. Sing most of the exercise, and just "think" (audiate, or sing in your head) the pitches you can't reach without straining or going sharp/flat. This gives your vocal folds an opportunity to still adjust and prepare to sing those out-of-reach pitches, even if just air comes out. 

    3. Make sure you're shifting registers when necessary. For example, you may be unable to sing higher pitches because you're still in chest voice, in which case you'd need to "shift gears" and find your head voice placement. 

  • M
    Mary Galbraith 4 years ago

    Thank you for the advice, really appreciated will put it into action. Joined in a song with my daughter last night and actually sang in tune- which surprised everyone!!! Have to admit was sceptical at first with improving on an online course but have been pleasantly surprised that it really does work even for people like me that had been asked to stop singing by the choir as I was putting them off- I kid you not :) 

    Thank you again Mary x 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    I'm pulling for you, Mary! Glad you're seeing improvement, and I trust you'll only get better from here. 

    I have another student who highly recommends Earmaster software for ear training, if you're interested:

  • J
    Jim Amato 4 years ago

    Stick in there Mary! You can do it!!!

  • M
    Mary Galbraith 4 years ago

    Thank you both for your great advice and comments :) Mx


  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    It's a pleasure!

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