
Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • G
    Gabriella Agosto 3 years ago

    hi i always see singers saying there vocal range and like bb5 or like she is soprano and all that stuff. But how do people memorize those notes like if you were watching a video of a famous singer singing how do people know what the note is so fast can you please give me tips or advice for knowing notes


  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    My latest live lesson on music theory for beginners would be a good start:

    Your options to do that would be (1) looking up the sheet music to see which notes are sung, (2) searching for the isolated vocal and using a chromatic tuner (like at the same time to analyze the pitch, or (3) slowing the track down and finding the note in question on the piano. Most likely, if someone is analyzing the pitch very quickly, they know music theory very well and can hear (based on intervals being sung) what that pitch would be, if they know the key of the song. 

  • G
    Gabriella Agosto 3 years ago

    Ok thankyou so much this was super helpful 

    btw I love your videos on 30 day singer i have improved so much

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Thank you, Gabriella! Very glad to hear that. 

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