Standing issue

Posted in Category Open Discussion
  • G
    Gaurav 4 years ago


           this is gaurav. its fun to learn singing and i am just amazed the way you people are teaching. its really a great feeling i have so far. well, i have an issue. i have harmonium  and you know we can play this only by sitting. so is it allright to do the practice as sitting and playing harmonium with the exercises. its not possible standing and play the harmonium. and one more thing as i do practice my body posture changes little bit because i handle the harmonium with one hand.

    Moreover, i am really confused about the practicing of each lesson. how long should we do the practice. i mean to say how many days for single lesson. i know this is tough to answer but i am asking this in general. what should be the minumum time of practicing of each lesson. or can i do many lessons at a single time daily or two times a day.

  • B
    Billy 4 years ago

    Hi Gaurav,

    Good questions all around. About posture. Our singing lessons do not expect you to be holding an instrument like a harmonium, so I'm not sure of the best way to do that is. But if you are practicing or singing just by yourself, it's important to keep a relaxed posture. Make sure your back is straight and your head is up, but keep your arms relaxed. There's a great lesson on posture in our 30 Day Beginner course. 

    Here are some other great warm up tips for healthy vocals:

    When it comes to practicing, I think it's important to keep it consistent. There is no hard rule for how long you should practice each lesson. You want to do it until you fully understand it. If that means 20 minutes per day, or 30 minutes every other day, that is okay too. It's important to stay consistent but don't overwork yourself. There is no minimum, that is something you have to figure out for yourself. Just remember not to over do it. 

    I hope that helps!

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