What should I do next

Posted in Category Open Discussion
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    Celine Naja 3 years ago

     Hi there,

    I just finished my beginner course and it really helped me but the problem is that I don't know what to do next. Should I do the singing tricks and techniques, the advanced course, or the warm-ups and vocal health?

    Another question, now that I am done with the beginners should I continue doing the vocal warmups of day 2?

    thank you and I am so glad I found 30-day singer!

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    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    So glad you're enjoying the lessons, Celine! Great questions. 

    As for your warmup, you can absolutely continue using day 2's warmup. You can also download a range-specific warmup here: http://30daysinger.com/audio/bonus-warmups/Vocal%20Warmup%20Bonus%20Gifts.zip. You'll find even more warmup routines on the warmups & vocal health page. 

    I recommend you look around and start with the topics that interest you the most - or the topics you feel you need the most help with. If something is labelled "pro" or "advanced", you can expect more of a challenge (and feel free to save that for later). But most lesson series will include a note (in the promo or intro video) about any special prerequisites. If you ever feel you're out of your depth, you can just save that series for later!

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    Celine Naja 3 years ago

    Thank you so much :)

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    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    You're welcome, Celine!

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