A lot of vocal science

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • A
    Aaron Zhu 3 years ago

    Hello Camille,

    I wanna ask how can I control my flexibility singing muscle and my strength muscle. In mny episodes of voice lessons to the world, Justin Stoney talks about flexibility muscle vs. the strength muscle. In terms of register, falsetto in a flexibility dominant register. Chest voice is a strength dominant muscle. I can easily be all flexible dominant or strength dominant. How can I mix this by percentage? (And yes, I have discovered my mix voice except I have trouble doing like 70% maybe flexible and like 30% strength and so on). Thanks!

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    That's the tricky thing about singing - we don't have conscious control over our TA and CT muscles. But I'd recommend thinking more about vowels if you're trying to "lean" towards more chest or head sound in your mix. Wider vowels = more chesty sound, narrower vowels = more heady sound, medium/neutral vowels = pretty balanced!

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