Lip Trills

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • K
    Karen Huntington 2 years ago

    I can't do the lip trills at all.

    What should I do.

  • M
    M.solis18 2 years ago

    I need  help singing 

  • V
    Vivanoff 2 years ago

    I can do a lip trill for maybe a second, frustrating - then I tried just softly touching my cheeks with middle finger and thumb - then the trills work perfectly!? So, it's face muscle related? I can't explain it :-) 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 2 years ago

    Great tip, Vivanoff! Here's an article with some more advice and lip trill alternatives as well:

  • V
    Vivanoff 2 years ago

    Dear Camille:
    you really got a broad range of stuff covered! And now I know that there is a blog on the site :-) (I found my solution just by fooling around). Thanks a lot! Vladimir

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 2 years ago

    Yes, lots of good articles there! Hey, lots of stuff can be figured out just by fooling around. When singing practice feels like play, that's a good thing :)

  • K
    Karen Huntington 2 years ago

     Thanks so much Vivanoff and Camille, I got the buzz happening :) 


  • T
    Tara Roy 2 years ago

    I'm glad I found this because I really feel there is something wrong with me because I can't do them. I've wondered if it was because I have fuller lips.

     I'm going to read the article and try some of the tips. I'll report soon. Wish we luck!!

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 2 years ago

    Nice job, Karen!

    And Tara, I have some private students who just don't love the lip trill. Anything semi-closed (mentioned in the article linked above) is a great substitute!

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