Straining WHILE doing Tension Release

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • D
    Danny Vendetta 2 years ago

    Got my vocal chords checked, nothing wrong with them. I strain during warm ups, strain during tension release exercises, i'm not really sure whats going on. I would LOVE to sing, but this has always been an issue. I'm not sure whats wrong with me, or if I developed a bad habit somewhere along the line, but its getting me down. I just want to sing normally, without feeling my throat hurt. My soft pallet is raised. I try to make enough space....This makes me want to quit. 

  • M
    Msytner 2 years ago

    maybe try a lower key,

    If the key is too high, usually I strain too

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 2 years ago

    I'm sorry, Danny! That's very frustrating. You might consider a lesson with Abram or myself to help assess what's going on. I'm glad to hear your vocal cords are healthy! That means it's most likely muscle tension. 

    In the meantime, have you tried straw phonation? Singers who strain tend to do very well with the help of a straw. Here are a few resources:


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