Support and loud breathing

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • Τάσος Δελής 3 years ago

    Hello Camille and everyone. First of all thank you for the great reply in my recent question. I'd like to ask one more thing. I find myself breathing really loudly and heavily and that ruins most songs, however when I try inhaling normally, I start feeling like my support is lacking (although I am directing the air down). So I either sing beautifully with annoying loud inhales separating phrases, or I sing quite worse but with much quieter inhales. If there is anything you could suggest in order to keep the feeling of support and make it a habit to breath more silently and naturally, I'd love to try it out

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Great question! The key for you will be breathing with an open throat, or with as little constriction as possible. We make noise when our vocal folds aren't entirely apart. Try breathing in a "pre-yawn" position to feel air passing through your vocal folds without restriction. Then the challenge will be maintaining this silent breath when you're singing (and being able to breathe quietly AND quickly). Let me know if that makes sense!

  • Τάσος Δελής 3 years ago

    It does make sense thanks you. Do you have any tips on exercises to achieve this? 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    You're welcome! I think just work towards this gradually - so you can begin by breathing through your nose (with an open feeling in your throat). Next, drop your mouth open gently, but keep that open feeling. Then take slow, silent inhalations through your mouth. And gradually shorten the duration of your inhalation without constricting the throat. 

    It's 100% normal to have some sound when you breathe, though! Don't worry if you aren't completely silent. 

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