high notes

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • C
    Casey 4 years ago

    Hi, have been trying to get to high notes and seem to not be able to without my voice not being clear or cracking. not sure what I might need to do or what I am doing wrong

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Hi, Casey! How you approach those high notes will depend on what register you're singing in. I encourage you to check out my live lesson from a few weeks ago on range extension within each register: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXqiqTyxoBM&t=560s


  • C
    Casey 4 years ago



  • J
    Jim Amato 4 years ago

    Casey, I don't know how long you have been singing but developing a wider vocal range. So go easy on yourself. Think of high notes as a mastered coordination. Alot of the exercises entailed here in 30 day singer will help you Over Time, develop that range and that coordination so you can more fluidly hit those, oh so precious high notes. Practice as much as you can during the week and in time you will find that high notes will come to you naturally.


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