How do you learn the lyrics of a new song

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • K
    KT 3 years ago

    What are the best tips for learning a cover song? I think I saw in one of Jonathan Estabrooks' videos a technique to hum or mum along first, before learning any words, but I can't find it now and also can't remember exactly what was said.


    Thanks in advance. Really enjoying it!

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Thanks, KT!

    That's a good tip. Here are a few others:

    - Listen to the original while reading the lyrics

    - Print the lyrics out and make notes of any unexpected things in the melody (big leaps, repeated notes, etc)

    - Hand write the lyrics

    - Speak the lyrics

    - Record yourself singing/speaking the lyrics

    - Have an image for each distinct section (ie: verse 1, 2, bridge)

    - Make note of rhymes or alliteration, or other connections that trigger your memory to know what comes next

    - Sing along with the original

    - "Graduate" to a karaoke track; test yourself by not looking at the lyrics on the screen

  • J
    Jim Amato 3 years ago

    Awesome tips! It helps me to write out the lyrics of the song and transfer them on to a separate piece of paper. Repitition is king. More times you rehearse the song with an instrument the more you cement the song in your mind.

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Thanks, Jim! Writing out the lyrics by hand is very effective. And repetition = muscle memory; always good!

  • S
    Steffen Sandermann 3 years ago

    KT by the way, this was on Day 25 Putting It All Together

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