How to approach the course as a beginner

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • H
    Hugo Noro 3 years ago


    first of all let me tell you I'm really enjoying the course. I've started last week and I've been trying to follow it the best I can.

    I do have a few beginner indecisions I would like to share in case someone else is having the same.

    I'm a male and according to my singing teacher I should be in the baritone register. Having this I picked up Jonathan Eastbrooks beginner course.


    One of the doubts that I keep having is, regarding the daily practice routines and/or daily warmup exercises: Are we supposed to increase our exercise/warmup set of exercises as we follow along with the course?

    The reason I'm asking this is because in the first couple of lessons we are provided with a great combination of 3 or 4 exercises. Then in almost every subsequent lesson we learn additional exercises.

    I have also watched the great daily-routine-practice-plan-for-beginning-singer from Camille. Again I really loved the exercises.

    The fundament of my question is basically where to stop :). One of the big struggles of being an absolute beginner is learning how to deal with the overwhelming amounf of information and to learn how to structure it. I guess I could end up doing all the exercises as I follow along, but I'm not sure if that's the correct reading. 


    I hope this wasn't too confusing :). Being a beginner is confusing, because you never know where to start and where to stop :)


    Thank you


  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    I understand! Hopefully this helps give some guidance:

    With each subsequent lesson, you're learning one new thing about vocal technique - and the goal is that you begin applying that knowledge to your warmups and your song work.

    I encourage you to use any daily exercise you feel works for you (either on the warmups page, day 2 of the beginner course, or the YouTube channel), and if there are any specific exercises within the daily lessons you enjoy, add those into your routine as well! A good idea could be to review just 1-2 previous day's exercises at a time. We don't want to tire you out! 

  • H
    Hugo Noro 3 years ago

    Hi Camille,

    many thanks for the quick reply! :)

    I will have a look at the link. By your answer I realised I missed one potencial question. So should I also use the warmups before the next lesson? I believe it would make sense, right?



  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    My pleasure!

    Yes, we usually recommend you use the day 2 warmup (or any other warmup you like) before watching a new lesson. Some students also like to review the previous lesson's exercises (or even more than one) before watching a new lesson. 

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