I can't get my lips to trill when I fully relax my jaws

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • B
    Benjamin Tan 4 years ago

    I can't get my lips to trill when I fully relax my jaws(it was the instruction to follow before doing lip trills). I can only trill them when I put some pressure on my cheeks or put two fingers at the side of the cheeks. But how did Jonathan Estebrooks did it with the jaw relaxed? If I put some pressure at my cheeks(without using fingers), will that cause tension?

  • J
    Jim Amato 4 years ago

    No it does not. Applying the fingers in howls of your cheeks should facilitate the lip trill. Make it easier to produce the buh buh buh. 

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    What Jim said! Totally fine to use your fingers for support. 

  • B
    Benjamin Tan 4 years ago



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