Pitch Flutuates a Lot When Singing

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • V
    Vik 3 years ago

    I'm still going through the Beginner's Series, and, as suggested, I have downloaded the SingSharp app, from feeling like I'm just off pitch, especially when not singing simultaneously with the online instructor in the video.

    It seems that I'm good about hitting the pitch, but the app shows that my pitch fluctuates.  This happens either when I'm matching the pitch to the piano note, but more so when I'm singing along with a song.  For example, the graph of my sound is almost never a straight line, as indicated by the app's guide, it is a wavy line, which sometimes hits the exact pitch for just a second, then moves up or down. 

    Is there something I should change?  Or is this just a matter of time and practice, to get a "steady" voice, that hits the right pitch immediately, and stays there for as long as it should?  Is this a common problem for beginners?

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Hi, Vik! Vibrato is a natural fluctuation in pitch; so even if you're singing "in tune", your pitch will vary. With zero pitch fluctuation, you'd sound quite robotic. 

    In your next lesson or check-in, we can talk more about this and I can give feedback on how "in tune" you are: whether that fluctuation is good or something to be concerned about!

  • V
    Vik 3 years ago

    Awesome, great to know, and, I don't want to sound robotic!  Looking forward to the next check-in / lesson!

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Sounds good, me too!

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