Singing lesson

Posted in Category Singing Basics
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    Azalea Seveene Kusumo 4 years ago

    I already signed up for a full year and already gained premium access to all the lessons,but yesterday it cant seem to work in the morning, but i tried again in the nighttime and then it worked. Today, the same problem happened. Does it only work at nighttime?

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    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Hi, Azalea!

    I'm sorry about that. It should work any time of day! Please email [email protected] and they'll take care of you.




  • K
    Keegan Kiptoo 4 years ago

    I've done the lip trill but I don't know where to go for my second exercise 


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    Camille van Niekerk 4 years ago

    Hi, Keegan!

    Are you looking for day 2 of the 30 day beginner course? 

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