Warm-up voice - Breath and Space beginner warm

Posted in Category Singing Basics
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    TheMolster 3 years ago


    I've been using the Breath and Space beginner warm up before I start a lesson and what I notice is that when doing Ex2 which goes down the scale, I do this in my 'normal' voice and it is ok but when I do another exercise that goes up the scale I have to sort of drop my voice to be much deeper to be able to complete it. It still seems to sound in tune (I think) but I'm not sure how to do this correctly. As it is a warm up, is it OK just to use whichever voice suits for each part or should I focus on trying to sound higher like Camille ? I have a pretty deep voice I think so it's hard for me to finish anything that goes too high.

    Thanks in advance,


  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Yes, you're welcome to drop to the octave below! Make sure you're shifting to head voice first, though. Head voice is an important function to train, even if you don't sing in head voice very often. 

    And before dropping down (or dropping out completely), try two things:

    1. Modify the exercise to make it easier (ie: sing on a lip trill, hum or NN/NG instead of an open vowel or other syllable, if that's more doable). 

    2. Sing most of the exercise, and just "think" (audiate, or sing in your head) the pitches you can't reach without straining or going sharp/flat. This gives your vocal folds an opportunity to still adjust and prepare to sing those out-of-reach pitches, even if just air comes out. 

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