What song to sing?
Posted by Danny Rivera 4 years agoOpen DiscussionWhat i want to start doing is record myself singing the same song every single day to eventually see my progression, but i need help. what are some good songs for beginning singers? something in the p...
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¿ se puede desbloquear el contenido sin pagar?
Posted by Sara 4 years agoOpen Discussionyo estudio en una universidad , pero cerro y todo, pero no puedo pagar contenido y eso, nescesito practicar para el musical del colegio soy una menor de edad que hago.
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Tracking progress
Posted by Shane Kastenschmidt 4 years agoOpen DiscussionI tend to be my own worst enemy when it comes to my singing voice, it critic myself in a negative way every time I play back a recording of myself. Any suggestions to alleviate the stress of thinking ...
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Note taking
Posted by Eygpt muldrow 4 years agoOpen DiscussionHey, quick question but should I take notes one what I learned?
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are you guys still making videos
Posted by Aaron Zhu 4 years agoOpen DiscussionI didn't finish all the videos yet but do you still make new ones?
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Unfortunately, I can't see any of your advertising
Posted by Rich Medved 5 years agoOpen DiscussionI keep seeing emails promoting your new feature but can not get access to the page linked by your email. I suspect that the bean counter site that you are using to intercept the link is unfriendly to ...
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nervous newby
Posted by Steve 4 years agoOpen DiscussionI run a karaoke show at one venue which is ok because i have singers from the start. I want to expand to other venues but feel the host should be able to sing abit I have been told i sing monotone w...
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Music sh6
Posted by Brunel Louis 4 years agoOpen DiscussionHey guys, where can I download the theme sheet music?
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Mixed voice! Free live lesson with Camille this Saturday.
Posted by Camille van Niekerk 4 years agoOpen DiscussionHello, singers! Join me this Saturday for a FREE live group lesson on mixed voice. I'll be covering what mixed registration is, how to find your mix, and why it's so important! Don't worry - I'll do ...
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Singing problems
Posted by Daniel 4 years agoOpen DiscussionHello! I have been here for 12 days with Jonathan beginners course. I wanna know if before any lesson , should i make any different vocal warm ups instad the warm ups for day 2 ? Like , a little...