Should i land the pitch perfectly from the start?

Posted in Category Singing Basics
  • M
    Markus.moser.96 3 years ago

    Hi there,

    i love this course so far! (A search function for the forum would be nice though :D)

    Im still quite a Beginner. I currently do the "Day 2: Quick Warm-Up Routine by Camille van Niekerk" daily, but i noticed that i don't match the pitch of the scales exactly though. Im sometimes up to a half-step away from the real note, especially when going down the scale. Seems to me that i don't have the muscle memory for half-step/full-step when going down or something like that.

    Is that landing directly on pitch something that just comes with time, while i learn about all the other important things, or should i dedicate more on specialised training to land every note perfectly? In the latter case, what exercises would be good for that?

  • C
    Camille van Niekerk 3 years ago

    Hi, Markus!

    So glad you're loving the course, and yes, we hope to have a search function in the near future!

    If you find that descending scales are more difficult (which they are for many), I'd recommend slowing down and focusing just on intonation: for example, play G3-F3-E3-D3-C3 on a virtual keyboard (or real one) and check your pitch with (or another chromatic tuner). Go one pitch at a time to see where the problem area is; for most people, it's the half-step between 4 and 3 (or F and E in the key of C). 

    I do think it's a good idea to incorporate some ear training into your daily routine! I'd expect you to improve over time as you gain more vocal control, but it's also something where you need some objective feedback (from a teacher or a chromatic tuner) to let you know how close you are to the pitch in question. Here is an article with more advice + resources!

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