Moving from timing aids
Posted by Ethanknightt 1 year agoTechnique and StyleSo I have been singing along with karaoke tracks that highlight the words when you are suposed to sing them do you think it would be a good next step to move to a lyric video that does not give me the...
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Does recording help learning
Posted by Ethanknightt 1 year agoRecordingIf I am using a good mic and headphones and using ear monitoring software will the help me to learn to sing fast or better
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Beginner song book
Posted by Dhmccay 1 year agoOpen DiscussionDo you have recommendations for songs that a beginner mezzo soprano/high alto could work on? I enjoy all the exercises and lessons, but know I should be working on songs as well. I just don't know whe...
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how much time to spend on a course
Posted by Legglilly 1 year agoOpen DiscussionGood afternoon from Australia:) I was wondering if when I do a course, maybe for breath control, when I finish it should I move straight onto another and if I feel I need to go over it again go back ...
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Warm up
Posted by Markcappa42 1 year agoOpen DiscussionHi where do I find a daily warm up before the lessons theres so many but I can't find the one where you warm up starting lip drills.
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Posted by Markcappa42 1 year agoLesson Q&AHi I just joined and started from level 2 as I had singing lessons for 3 yrs , I wanted to know how to follow the daily exercises cause they change I wanted to know about before starting do we need to...
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Posted by Prommy Ree 1 year agoOpen DiscussionHi. I have recently started my beginner course and I'm wondering Should I be repeating the exercise learnt throughout the courses each day as I continue or should just follow the courses linear...
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Technical issue....videos are freezing up(?)
Posted by Joe Rullo 1 year agoOpen DiscussionWhen I accessed various 30DS videos earlier today (i.e. Daily Practice Routine for Beginners by Mark Mekailian), they froze up after a few seconds. Please advise if 30DS is currently having technical ...
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transitioning from high to low
Posted by Cindyhos 1 year agoOpen DiscussionI have trouble transitioning from high to low. I find my voice is very weak and I have trouble with pitch when I sing low after singing high. Any tips or recommended tutorials would be greatly appreci...
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How to follow a song
Posted by Ethanknightt 1 year agoSinging BasicsI have trouble knowing when to start and stop singing within a song or not understanding the pauses how do i know when a song stops and when to start back up again