Vocal Warmup & Health

Welcome to the Warm-ups section! This collection of lessons explores various warm ups which are essential to any singer's routine. We'll also give you helpful reminders and professional tips at maintaining your vocal health and preserving your voice. When you're stuck in a rut and not sure what how to start a regular practice routine, we recommend using these lessons to get you ready and more comfortable. These are great as standalone routines or you can use them at the beginning of your regular practice routine. A good warm-up is the key to avoiding any vocal strain and prepare you to sing your very best.


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All About Vocal Cooldowns

By Camille van Niekerk

Vocal cooldowns are just as important as warmups. Just as an athlete needs to cool down their body, singers need to cool down their vocal cords. In this lesson we'll cover when & why to cool down; types of exercises to use; order of exercises; stretch & self-massage and much more!

Agility Exercises For All Genres

By Camille van Niekerk

You'll need some vocal agility for any style you sing. In this lesson we'll cover - Staccato exercises; scales & arpeggios; wide interval leaps and much more.

Strengthen Your Voice

By Camille van Niekerk

Need more vocal power? Do you have a difficult time holding a note? Wish you could sing louder without hurting your voice? In this live lesson we will show you how to strengthen your voice. We'll cover: Onset exercises; SOVT's; dynamic exercises; vowel work and much more.

Daily Head Voice Workout For Tenors And High Baritone

By Abram Poliakoff

Even if you don’t foresee yourself using a lot of head voice in the songs you sing, it’s crucial that you spend some time in head voice when you warm up. Head voice not just for high notes: it’s also for flexibility! Join Abram for this daily voice workout.

Daily Register Blending Practice for High Voices

By Camille van Niekerk

Register blending is a skill that will not be required often, but is still very worth working on. In this lesson you will be developing the ability to transition seamlessly between registers; and develop the ability to sing at different volumes and intensities throughout your range.

Daily Range Extension Practice For High Voices

By Camille van Niekerk

This series will cover the three areas most singers care about: low notes, high head voice or falsetto, and mix or belt range. This series is intended for altos, mezzos and sopranos.

Vocal Strain, Pain and Health

By Abram Poliakoff

This week we will talk about vocal strain and pain. The signs that you might be pushing your singing too hard. And ways to heal yourself and stay healthy!

Common Frustrations for Beginning Singers

By Abram Poliakoff

As a beginning singer, there are frustrations that are common across everyone. Learn what those frustrations are and how to get around them.

Vocal Agility Exercises

By Abram Poliakoff

Are you working on your riffs and runs but hitting walls? This week we will work on your vocal agility and built your singing voice!

Fix Common Issues with Vocal Tone

By Abram Poliakoff

Here are some simple and easy fixes for common vocal tone issues.

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