Style and Performance

Welcome to the Style and Performance section of 30 Day Singer. As you grow comfortable with basic vocal techniques, these lessons provide a deeper focus around vocal stylization along with tips on how to perform like a pro! There are many styles of singing to explore and master, from pop, R&B, rock, classical, and country. Let us teach you how to sing in these styles with more ease for your next performance. After a few lessons you will find yourself singing with more confidence, poise, and with a signature style all your own.


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Intro To Classical Singing

By Camille van Niekerk

We'll cover: - Neutral to low larynx position - Lifted soft palate - Pure vowels - Free vibrato

Easy R&B Vocal Style For Beginning Singers

By Camille van Niekerk

In this live lesson we'll cover how to sing with an R&B style! Topics include riffs & runs, smooth, rich tone, consistent vibrato and song examples from popular artists.

Easy Indie/Alternative Singing Style For Beginners

By Camille van Niekerk

Learn how to sing Indie/Alt style vocals! In this live lesson we'll cover vocal fry, slides & falls, conversational pronunciation and more! We will learn these techniques with song examples from popular artists.

Easy Country Vocal Style For Beginners

By Camille van Niekerk

How to sing country vocals? In this live lesson we will teach you country vocal techniques. We will cover accent & vowel shapes, twang and scoops & falls by using song examples from popular artists.

Jazz Vocal Style for Beginning Singers

By Camille van Niekerk

In this live lesson we'll cover jazz vocal techniques such as vibrato as an effect, back phrasing and chromaticism using song examples from popular artists.

Singing Hacks To Make You Sound Like a Pro

By Camille van Niekerk

Perfecting our skills can take time and determination. But is there a cheat code to help you along the way? Camille shares her singing hacks to help you sound like the pro's!

Karaoke Tips For Beginners

By Camille van Niekerk

In this Live Lesson we'll cover all things Karaoke including warming up (why and how to warm up your voice), choosing a good song for your voice, how to rehearse, dealing with nerves along with some easy song suggestions.

How to Sing with Mixed Voice Pt. 2

By Camille van Niekerk

In this Live Lesson we'll cover: how to tell if you tend to "shout" or "flip", exercises to help correct those tendencies, and vowel modifications to encourage "mix."

Sight Reading For Beginning Singers

By Camille van Niekerk

Vocalists, learn to sight read in our Live Lesson! We'll cover: solfege vs. number system; keys; intervals; and chromaticism.

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