How do I get to the next lesson?
Posted by Sammyarchrat 1 year agoLesson Q&AI just signed up, listened to beginner lesson one with Camille and I don't see how to open the next lesson. Is there a lesson menu somewhere that I'm not seeing?
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My range too low for the song in Beginner Lesson 8??
Posted by Jay Herrmann 1 year agoLesson Q&AI am having a challenging singing along with the high parts of the song in Lesson 8 of the beginner course for deeper voices. How can I adapt to this lesson?
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Are u all singing better after 30 days? How long should I practice every day? Just one course 15min per day? Is it enough? Can I do 3 per day?
Posted by Translatehekm 1 year agoLesson Q&AWhat do you suggest? Also what about the part in the course that's a bit out of my range, can I use falsetto? or just not do it at all
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Posted by Olivia 5 years agoLesson Q&AHi, I'm new here and so far so good. Would like to make the suggestion/request that there be MP3s associated with at least the beginner and advanced courses. The MP3s would play the piano no...
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Lessons will not play
Posted by Mettamarty 1 year agoLesson Q&AI have tried to use this app but cannot get the lessons to actually run. I either need to know how to get them to work or I would like an immediate refund please.
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Summary of exercises to practice
Posted by Gjturck 1 year agoLesson Q&AIs there some kind of printable summary (or any kind of summary for that matter) of all the exercises contained/mixed in within all the lessons? I'm only on lesson 7 but I'm wondering how we're suppo...
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Posted by Clints30ds 1 year agoLesson Q&AMy singing voice is nicer at certain times than at other times,what is/are the cause(s) and what can i do about it?
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Posted by Clints30ds 1 year agoLesson Q&AHello,what do i do to maintain or increase and maintain the niceness of my voice?
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Live Lesson Format
Posted by Daniel Anderson-Deakin 4 years agoLesson Q&AAre live lessons usually about generally improving technique in the voice/what the voice teacher thinks should be improved or do teachers just help with whatever the student wants or is it a bit of bo...
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Private Lesson with Camille
Posted by Roxytarman 3 years agoLesson Q&AThis is Roxy AKA: Boogie Woogie Lake Girl, I am wanting to know if I can book with Camille to get help with a paticualar song?