Course materials
Posted by Steven Foiles 3 years agoLesson Q&AHi - Are there course materials somewhere? For example, I'm working on 30 day beginner course and the lessons have singing to a song but I have no idea what notes or patterns to sing and are we suppos...
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lip trill concern
Posted by Bangtan Pink 3 years agoLesson Q&Awhen you are doing slide up and down lip thril, when i go higher why do i get like tingling/ sore throat kind of a feel when like let say at G#5. can i get quik response because if it is something bad...
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Posted by Pilodakotah21 3 years agoLesson Q&AI have been doing the female for beginning singers, and I haven't been improving, like I still have a feeling of scratchy chords, and I've been drinking water, and I'm 16, my chords should be develope...
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Sammy Rae tutorial
Posted by Caramayne29 3 years agoLesson Q&AHello, Wondering if you can do some jazz tutorials? Wanting to learn a song by Sammy Rae and the friends and need a bit of practice especially in speed and jazz scales! Thank you
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Question about Lip Trill
Posted by Anonymus Me 3 years agoLesson Q&AHi, I am so sorry I am new so I don't know how to work this properply yet. So, I don't know if you are suppose to ask question about something that might be specific to me but this is the only thung i...
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Alto 1 vs 2
Posted by Robin Medina 3 years agoLesson Q&AHi Camille, I've worked on the Daily Warm-ups for Altos a few times. My question is, how do I know whether I'm an Alto 1 or 2? Thanks! -Robin
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Moving on
Posted by Rebecca Williams 3 years agoLesson Q&AHi Camille, I have been practicing beginner warm-ups for about a month now. I previously took in vocal lessons as well before 30 day singer. I am is mezzo soprano I am just wondering when I should mov...
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Ear training
Posted by Rebecca Williams 3 years agoLesson Q&AHey what are the two ear training apps that you suggest
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lyrics and chords to Hear My Voice
Posted by Info 3 years agoLesson Q&AIs there a chord/lyrics sheet to the Hear My Voice song? It would be a lot easier to follow if I had a written reference. I could write it all down I guess but I thought it would be on here somewhere?...
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tools and wtf
Posted by Chrisgoodrich46 3 years agoLesson Q&AI didn't really know which section I put this under, but I have a question. So obviously this website offers a bunch of different tools. You have diferent teachers, lessons for beginers, lessons for m...