30 Day Singer Live Streams
Pop Vocals!
Understand how pop stylization has changed and continues to change with the times! We'll learn exercises designed to help you keep your style choices current and authentic.
Head Voice/Falsetto for Male Singers
By Abram PoliakoffWork on your upper vocal register, your head voice, your falsetto, and all things high-vocals with this lesson from Abram. While this lesson might be geared towards male singers with a lower range, these exercise will work for all singers with all voice types!
How To Strengthen Your Voice
By Abram PoliakoffIs your singing voice weak? Do you sing too quietly? Would you like to sound more powerful while singing? This week Abram will be showing us how to strengthen your singing voice.
Fix Your Nervous Voice
By Camille van NiekerkDon't be nervous! Singing is a fun, loving, positive experience. But if some technique will help you sound better, then let's get into it! We'll cover: working with your body; the rule of opposites; consistent airflow; mental rehearsal and much more.
Strengthen Your Voice
By Camille van NiekerkNeed more vocal power? Do you have a difficult time holding a note? Wish you could sing louder without hurting your voice? In this live lesson we will show you how to strengthen your voice. We'll cover: Onset exercises; SOVT's; dynamic exercises; vowel work and much more.
Pop Riffs For Beginners
By Camille van NiekerkAre you trying to sing like Xtina? Timberlake? Perry? This live lesson is all about pop riffs. We'll cover: Easy major & pentatonic riff patterns; pulses; bends and much more.
Agility Exercises For All Genres
By Camille van NiekerkYou'll need some vocal agility for any style you sing. In this lesson we'll cover - Staccato exercises; scales & arpeggios; wide interval leaps and much more.
All About Vocal Cooldowns
By Camille van NiekerkVocal cooldowns are just as important as warmups. Just as an athlete needs to cool down their body, singers need to cool down their vocal cords. In this lesson we'll cover when & why to cool down; types of exercises to use; order of exercises; stretch & self-massage and much more!
Singing Myths EXPALINED
By Camille van NiekerkWe will discuss some common singing myths and debunk the incorrect ones! We'll cover: singing from your throat; singing from your diaphragm; placement; and much more.
Build Your Head Voice
By Camille van NiekerkStrengthen and build your head voice in this live lesson! We'll cover: the importance of starting lightly; training your onset; bright vowels; "cry" quality and much more.
Vocal Health 101
By Camille van NiekerkIn this Live Lesson We'll cover: taking care of your voice; food, drink and medication; injury prevention; what to do when you're sick and much more!