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Daily Singing Exercises for Beginners - 30 Day Singer

Add these three easy exercises from 30 Day Singer instructor Abram Poliakoff to your daily routine and you will be on the road to more consistent, great singing. 

How to Sing: Step 1

Posted April 28, 2023

How to Sing - 30 Day Singer

Singing requires the ability to change breath pressure, proper vibration from our vocal cords, and resonance from the pharynx. These three forces together allow us to sing different musical pitches and words, creating a unique musical instrument for expression.

Baritone Vocal Range

Posted April 21, 2023

Baritone Vocal Range - 30 Day Singer

A Baritone has a middle-pitched voice that falls between a higher-pitched Tenor and a lower-pitched Bass voice. This is the most common voice type for a male singer. Baritone comes from the Italian word Baritono, which is derived from the Greek Barytonos which means heavy-toned.

How To Find Your Vocal Range

Posted April 4, 2023

How To Find Your Vocal Range

Camille van Niekerk

In this article, you’ll learn what the common vocal ranges are, how to find your range, and why it matters! You may have a wide range that covers more than one of the “standard” ranges.

Hey, I’m Camille with 30 day singer, and here are 3 daily exercises for great singing. These exercises in particular are great for register blending and helping you find more ease in your voice.

Pitch Matching for Beginning Singers

Posted March 10, 2023

Pitch Matching 30 Day Singer

Matching pitch is when we can hear a reference pitch and accurately recreate it. When two voices or instruments are producing the same pitch simultaneously, we say they’re in unison with one another.

Higher Male Vocal Register

Posted March 3, 2023

Higher male vocal register 30 Day Singer

I’m Abram from 30 Day Singer and here are some exercises to help you sing higher with less effort. I’m going to go over 3 essential components that will help you make considerable progress expanding your higher range. 

Chest Voice Exercises for Beginners

The first step is always to simply find your chest voice function. Thankfully, that’s pretty easy for most singers, since your chest voice IS your speaking voice. For that reason, most of the exercises within this lesson are mostly “speaking on pitch” with minimal sustain. 

Head Voice Exercises

Here are some of the best exercises for improving your head voice. Head voice, or falsetto, is the term for the lighter more hollow sounding register of the voice. It occurs in the highest part of our vocal range.

Best Exercises for Mixed Voice

Posted February 10, 2023

Best Exercises for Mixed Voice

Here are some of the best exercises to train your mixed voice register. The first step to blending our registers is to access them, and not get stuck only singing in chest voice or only singing in head voice. 

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